Wednesday, July 13, 2016

incoherent thoughts

it feels good to be home. to be with family.

i don't want to stay there for too long.

not because i don't like it.

i'm afraid i might like it too much.

and not want to leave.

must sort out priorities.

i should not be having too much fun.

life is not all about what I want.

gosh i should probably prep myself for this whole settling down thing.

made very little progress there i believe.

but there is progress.

maybe the stars will align and everything will be smooth-sailing, so to speak.

we'll see.

i'm glad i made that leap.

i've changed.

for the better i hope.

there's plenty more work to be done.

but i feel like i'm a better person now.

this is not the ego talking.

apparently there is such a thing as being confident, and humble at the same time.

its called being truthful, to yourself, and to others.

i must learn to see others in a better light, instead of assuming the worst.

not everyone is as bad as you paint them to be, only misunderstood.
