This absence of Internet is awful. I'm confined to only my phone's internet, and it's limited to only 1GB. I could extend my current Internet service, but I'm thinking of saving some cash, so I don't know whether I should.
I think nowadays in modern society Internet connection has become a necessity, and high-speed Internet is almost a must. At first when I stopped using my Unifi, I thought "I mostly use the Internet for social networking, I don't see why I can't just use my phone". Now, I realize that in between the Facebooking and Twittering, I use the Internet for a lot of other stuff as well, such as paying bills, reading news, watching videos, downloading tv shows / mp3s, looking for jobs, work-related mail, movie bookings and etc, and most of these things aren't exactly convenient to do on a smartphone.
But I'm trying to teach myself a lesson. To avoid spending unnecessarily on things that I may want but don't really need. This Internet connection is something that I want badly, but I don't really need it to survive. I can just go to the cyber cafe. It's a slight inconvenience, but nothing too cumbersome.
What else is going on in the world? Hmm. Apart from my silly Internet problem, nothing much. Oh, I was promoted to engineer from graduate engineer, so that was cool. In a engineering consultancy firm, you're classed by how experienced you are.
You start off as a graduate engineer, doing most of the paperwork and hard labour so to speak, and if you don't screw up too much (you'll screw up, trust me, part of the learning process) you get promoted to an engineer after two years normally. Now you'll have bigger responsibilities, having to deal with other departments and clients. There are several stages of an engineer, and normally after 10 years or so, you become a senior engineer, making big decisions on what you're in charge of and having one or two engineers doing most of the work for you.
Just because you're a senior engineer, doesn't mean you know everything, just means you know substantially more than a regular engineer. If you're really good / experienced, you become the lead engineer. You're basically running the show on whatever project you're on, and you're doing both engineering and management work. You're not just doing engineering work, you're managing the progress, the people, the costs, the whole thing.
There's also a principal engineer, when you're at this level, you're expected to know anything and everything under the sun, and you mostly advise people, rather than do all the work. But since you'll be getting the big bucks, most companies aren't content with you just sitting around doing nothing, so they'll find something for you to do anyways.
Due to the knowledge hierarchy, there's really no shortcut going up the ranks. Your boss may promote you a bit faster if you have a good attitude or outstanding work performance, but it rarely happens. It's also a bit harder for the boss to play favouritism, promote the smooth-talking guy or the ridiculously-hot girl faster, but things like this are inevitable. Sometimes you're bound to find out that someone is getting more money than you because he / or she is friendlier with the boss or something, it sucks, but life's like that.
Just a short one this time.