Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Perfect Love

While randomly surfing the net for stuff to read, I stumbled upon a very interesting article on our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. In general it was about how he treats his wives with kindness and compassion, but what really caught my interest was this particular part that was trying to show how our Prophet loved his first wife Khadijah.

I would say that most of us know the story, how he loved her so much that when she passed away, the year was known as "Tahun Kesedihan" because of how much he grieved. But how sad was he, how much did he really love her, we can only imagine.

I think this article helps us imagine it better.

(Its in Bahasa Melayu, so hopefully you guys understand. XP)

Cinta kasih Nabi terhadap Khadijah tergambar dalam riwayat berikut ini: Setelah Khadijah meninggal dunia, Rasulullah menikah dengan Aisyah. Suatu hari Rasulullah sedang berada di depan rumah. Tiba-tiba Rasulullah meninggalkan Aisyah menuju kepada seorang perempuan. Rasulullah memanggilnya dan menyuruh perempuan itu duduk di hadapan-nya kemudian mengajaknya berbicara.

Aisyah bertanya, “Siapakah perempuan tua ini?” Rasulullah menjawab, “Inilah sahabat Khadijah dulu.” Lalu Aisyah berkata, “Engkau sebut-sebut juga Khadijah padahal Allah telah menggantikannya dengan isteri yang lebih baik.”

Ketika itu marahlah Nabi sampai bergoncang rambut di atas kepalanya. Lalu beliau berkata, “Demi Allah, tidak ada yang dapat menggantikan Khadijah. Dialah yang memberikan kepadaku kebahagiaan ketika orang menghinaku. Dialah yang menghiburku dalam penderitaan ketika semua orang membenciku. Dialah yang memberikan seluruh hartanya kepadaku ketika semua orang menahan pemberiannya. Dan dialah yang menganugerahkan kepadaku anak ketika isteri-isteri yang lain tidak memberikannya. ” Mendengar itu Aisyah tidak dapat memberikan jawaban. Hadis ini diriwayatkan dalam Shahih Bukhari dan Muslim.

I dunno bout you guys, but i felt sad the first time i read it. It shows a more human side of him. The sadness of losing a loved one. Despite him being the greatest human being ever created and ever WILL be created, we sometimes forget the most fundamental thing about him; he is still only human.

I think in a way this allows us to try and be more like him. To try and follow in his footsteps, because it reminds us that we can try to be more like him, although maybe not to the level he is, of course.

Another thing I felt was how deep his love was for his wife. The wordings in the article may not be exactly what he said, after all, I only Googled, not exactly the most trustworthy research tool, but look at how carefully constructed the sentences are. He remembers and states why he loves her so.

See, people often assume that the opposite of love is hate. But I think the correct opposite would be indifference (lack of interest, concern or sympathy). This requires some explanation.

Let's say you're in love with someone. He or she then does something that breaks your heart, so because of that you hate that person. But where does that hate come from? Aha. Being betrayed by the one you love. So basically you hate that you love him/her so much. Its kinda like that song with ne-yo and rihanna, hate that i love you.

Whereas indifference means you don't really give a crap what that person does. THAT means you don't have any feelings whatsoever towards that person. Which I think is the proper opposite.

I hope people understand when they read this, coz if not, that was a waste of my 5 minutes. lol.

Anyways, the point I was trying to stress on doesn't have anything to do with hate, it was that he remembers her very clearly, he misses her for very detailed reasons. I'd like to think that when you love someone and you cherish her, you remember even the tiniest details about her, what you like about her.

I think love stories and movies always incorporate this into the storyline. "I love the way your hair smells in the morning, I love the way you smile when you look at me, almost like there isn't enough space on your face.." Lol. Yea, that sort of stuff.

So in my opinion he was an affectionate person, a romantic. Key point here is "with his wife". Some people just spout out these words without a moment of hesitation, sometimes even without feeling, just to get what they want, or in some cases, the girl they want. he he. and of course most girls fall head over heels with these very fancy, lovely words.

Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer to mean what I say, and lets face it, if you've only known this girl for like 2 weeks, no way in hell will you "climb the highest mountains and swim an ocean of fire" for her. LOL. I seriously doubt it. But perhaps, later in the relationship, maybe when things are more serious, or maybe when you're married, you say these sort of things and it won't sound so far-fetched.

But then again I'm old-fashioned, what do I know. Being single, not exactly the expert, am I? lol. A close female friend of mine even started calling me her "GBF" nowadays. GBF stands for "Gay Best Friend". wtf. zzz. haha. (though i may have introduced the word to her. me and my big mouth.)

Anyways, thats all I wanted to say. I think there are plenty of opportunities to learn and improve ourselves, even in the most unexpected ways, especially so if we have the best human being in the world as our role model. And what better time to do so than in the month of Ramadhan.

I leave you all with the only song in my playlist at the moment (for quite some time now.) I have this habit of listening to the same song over and over again until i'm bored with it. Mostly cause I'm lazy to actually list down the songs I like, but partly because its a nice song, and a nice song should remain nice to your senses even after repeated listens. Don't you agree?

Take care. Peace.



::smaku:: said...

Hmm...It's nice how Nabi Muhammad loved Khadijah like that..but, should I put myself in Aisyah's place, I'd feel a bit sad. I know, no one can replace Khadijah, she deserves his utmost love and appreciation. tapi Aisyah tak sedih ke when he said it like that?

Details, eh. Is it possible to like someone for no specific reason at all?

Me said...

i knew i should have wrote about that. actually from what ive read, and again, google, not that trustworthy, what aisyah said was out of jealousy sebenarnye. because even after Khadijah passed away, the prophet still mentions her often. tapi thats not to say that the prophet does not treat his current wives fairly. the article that i read pun banyak cakap pasal aisyah and what Nabi did for her, just that this particular part interested me more.

i think it is possible, or maybe we just don't know what it is that we like about that person. haha. macam susah nak pin point attributes yang suka. macam if i said why do you love your mother? er, memang tak tau la jawapan, but i love her anyways. lol.

pastu i think we can relate that question of yours to what the prophet did. putting yourself in his shoes, your wife just blurted something out of jealousy, and you go and say no one can replace Khadijah, because she is Khadijah, kinda like rubbing salt into the wound.

but the way he answered it, with detail, was kinda like in a way explaining and venting out at the same time i think. so when Aisyah did not answer back what he said, might have meant the jealousy subsided from the explanation.

makes sense? haha. this is all what i think anyway, the truth may be totally different. but it does make you wonder, from the story he seemed really angry, but at the same time he managed to keep a steady head, explain himself and calm his jealous wife down. wow.

then again, he is perfect. :)

Momoe said...

Another well written post from the pro himself =)

Khadijah's impact to Rasulullah's life was huge. If I were to be in Aisyah's place, I'd be wishing Rasulullah was referring to me.

Hmm.. I want to give an impact to someone's life too..

Me said...

haha pro la sangat.

but you have an impact on people's lives... you just don't know it i think.

all of us actually. :)