Sunday, April 1, 2012

Remember to be grateful

This is my first time blogging from my phone, and you know what a pain typing on the phone is, so this'll probably be a very short post.

I love the feeling of being at home. A home is not necessarily the place you stay in. Example, you may be staying at a dorm or an apartment, but that may not be your home. Home, as they say, is where the heart is. The house you're staying in may not be entirely comfortable, or you may not even be indoors, on a bus or a train perhaps, you'd still feel at home.

I suddenly lost track of what I wanted to write about. Sigh. It takes TOO long for me to write anything on this phone. Haha. I guess I just wanted to say it feels good being home in Ipoh.

An old friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer recently. He didn't exactly tell me, we're not exactly that close, but I saw it on Facebook. What astonishes me is his attitude, how positive he is about the whole thing. His Facebook page shows absolutely no hint of sadness or depression, in fact the only thing I saw that told me he has cancer was a comment from him to a friend, informing the friend he has cancer.

What really tugged on my heartstrings (not sure if I'm using this phrase correctly) was a status update of his recently. See, he is undergoing chemo, and from what I understand, chemo is simply put, the doctor injecting poison into your body in order to kill the cancer cells. Problem is, the poison won't exactly differentiate from cancer cells and normal healthy cells, so one of the side effects is hair loss.

One of his recent status updates sounded a bit like this :

"Bangun2 pagi tadi, tengok2 kening aku dah takde. Hahahaha."

Its sad.

It is.

But he hides it well.

And we post up things like "Kill me now" or I wanna die", simply because we're short of money, or we had a bad breakup.

This person is struggling for his life, and manages to even joke about it.

We should be grateful to God for all that we have, for there is so much of it, too much even.

We should even be grateful for the things we don't have.

Never forget Him, whether in good or bad times, He is all that you really have.

My father once said something very insightful.

"Sekiranya Allah itu lupa pada kamu, maka ertinya kamu tak ada dalam ilmu Allah.

Kalau lah Allah tu lupa pada kamu 5 minit sekalipun, kamu akan hilang dari kewujudan.

Dalam 5 minit tu, mak kamu akan cakap, "Aku ada anak laki sorang, tapi aku tak tahu siapa dia".

Isteri kamu akan cakap, "Aku ada suami, tapi aku tak tahu siapa dia"

Kerana, sekiranya tak ada dalam ilmu Allah, mustahil ada dalam ilmu makhluk.

Jadi, persoalannya sekarang ini, daripada kamu lahir sampai lah sekarang, pernah tak sesaat pun Allah Taala lupa pada kamu?

Tetapi, daripada kamu lahir sampailah sekarang ni, berapa lama kamu ingat Allah?"

Remember, never forget.


(written on Motorola Razr Droid, lol)

1 comment:

Echad said...

your friend is strong... mentally and emotionally. by the way, your post is more matured now.

P.S: Pendek aper post ni... haha.