Thursday, February 11, 2010

love song for no one

As I jumped around from blog to blog, I realize that most of the blogs are talking about love, or lack thereof. See, as a guy that pays too much attention to his computer than to girls, I don't really have much to say about this. However, I believe that whoever you are, be it a plain Jane or a smokin' supermodel, there is someone out there for you and you should settle for no less than that someone, although it may take you a few someones to figure out what you really want, or more importantly, what you really need.

I recently watched a not-so-lovey-dovey movie called "500 Days of Summer". Quite late, I know. At first I was under the impression it was a lovey-dovey movie, so I wasn't all that into these types of movies, but since I've heard quite a few people talk about it, I decided I'll give it a shot.

And I really liked it! This is reality! Not the same fairy tale we've been fed for so long.

If you haven't seen it, go see it because I'll be talking about it for a bit.

People were pitying the guy, and who could blame them, but I say, it was the guy's fault. The girl said from the beginning that she wanted to be only friends, and the only thing she did wrong was that she did what she said she wanted. I pity the guy too, but honestly the girl didn't exactly do anything wrong.

And the guy was pissed off at the girl for not wanting to go to the next level with him, but suddenly married some guy she knew for only a short while. However, I really liked her explanation. It was short and simple. "I just woke up one day and I knew, what I never was sure of with you".

The thing I liked most about the movie, apart from how real it felt (not some fluffed up love story), is the subtle yet strong messages throughout the movie. One would be when the little sister said that she thinks that the girl wasn't the 'one' for his brother and he should recall not only the good parts, but also the bad parts of the relationship. I think people sometimes focus too much on the good things or in some cases the bad things, and we forget the other things. But that's life I suppose. Focus more on the guy's money, you'll forget how ugly he looks. Stuff like that.

Another one would be the part when he met the new girl, Autumn. See, there was this beautiful girl, that had the same interests as he did, that liked the same spot in the city as he liked, and noticed him there, but he didn't notice her. And her answer to that was "You must not have been looking". He was so blinded by this one girl who didn't really appreciate what he liked, he didn't see this other girl who could have been so right for him.

Ok enough lovey dovey talk. haha. In conclusion it is a very nice movie and if you haven't seen it yet, then you should.

I shall stop here. Didn't really have anything to write. Just got bored. Happy Chinese New Year everyone.

p/s: Love song for no one is a song by John Mayer. not a bad song for single people. haha.

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