Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ramblings of a madman

Whatever you do in life is insignificant, but it's very important that you do it.

We hate to admit it, try as we might to deny it, its true.

Whatever you do, no matter how monumental it is, with time, it will be forgotten.

Or even if it isn't, eventually you will leave this earth, and so what you do won't really matter.

Well, not to you anyways.

However, the key thing here is to do it anyways.

For example, in a million years from now it would not matter if i used proper grammar, but it is important that i use it anyways.

Important to me, important to you, and important to who knows who else.

For even the most insignificant of things, plays an important part in life.

Like how the smallest of viruses can cause an entire country to start wearing face masks.

I'd like to think that everything happens for a reason.

As Einstein once said, "I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not throw dice".

Or in other words, God does not create things, or make things happen, randomly. There is always a purpose, a reason for everything.

Imagine what would happen if clouds form on the ground instead of up in the air.

You'd have clouds on the ground, and there would be a huge risk of getting electrocuted due to lightning every where you walk.

There's probably a reason why you woke up late today. Maybe its so that you won't wake up late tomorrow.

Imagine what would happen to the world if Sir Isaac Newton didn't rest under an apple tree, but under a durian tree.

He'd probably still discover gravity, only he wouldn't be alive to tell the tale.

There are so many things happening in this world, we couldn't possibly imagine why anything happens anyways.

We just assume things happen. and we get on with our lives.

Some lives move faster, and some slower.

I just found out recently a classmate from school just gave birth to her first child.

I on the other hand am still negotiating with my mother on whether it really is necessary for me to iron my clothes since its not really required for me to be neat to stay at home and eat and sleep.

Different lives move at different paces, and different people are faced with different responsibilities.

Some are huge, some are considerably smaller.

With these responsibilities, we forget that we lose something in the process, freedom.

At least some of it.

As a child we are not responsible for anything, thus have the freedom to do almost anything, as long as the parents don't mind.

As a parent however, we are bound by responsibility, and are not as free to do whatever we wish to.

I'm guessing the same can be applied to relationships.

We are bound to the other person, which does not allow us to go out with anyone we like, for reasons that are unclear.

Or in other words, I can't go out with a friend anymore. LOL.

As if I wasn't bored enough before.

Ah, such is the way of life.

Sometimes, life is like a vacuum cleaner.

It sucks.

But we make do with what we have.

Nothing in life worth having comes easy.

Come Wednesday, I'll go to the movies alone.



Echad said...

bosan sampai giler... :P

BIL said...

very saggitarian ah you man (philosophical).

we dont want to believe in horoscopes but somehow we act like our signs. me = dreamy = pisces

(friend's laptop)

::smaku:: said...

oh really? saggitarians are philosophical?

Me said...

bosan sampai giler. nice. aku salahkan cover letter yg xmuat satu page.

i didnt know sagittarians are philosophical. i guess we are. true ayol, you're so dreamy... like McDreamy dreamy, not blur dreamy... hahaha.

hello smak. haha. (out of words)

Me said...

bosan sampai giler. nice. aku salahkan cover letter yg xmuat satu page.

i didnt know sagittarians are philosophical. i guess we are. true ayol, you're so dreamy... like McDreamy dreamy, not blur dreamy... hahaha.

hello smak. haha. (out of words)